“You create a loving space within yourself, which then allows loving energy to fill it.”
I’m reading NYT bestseller The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcox right now and it’s a very well thought out work that has some pretty controversial and cutting edge science in it that at the end of the day has some tones of truth that upon reflection seem almost obvious if you take the time to notice it.
It took the author over 30 years of research to make his information that clear cut and obvious to the lay person. The hard work involved with this book really shows.
You can click on the photo or link above or here to go to Amazon and read some of the reviews on this book by people reading it. It’s got 5 stars out of 5 with 177 reviews so far. See what people are saying themselves.
I can say that David is taking what I’ve read in other places as philosophy and giving it the hard science to back it up, complete with references that are checkable. He takes the mystical and makes it concrete in a way that I have not seen done, comparable only to Lynne McTaggart’s The Field, which you can find my take on by clicking here, as a book I’d hand to an enquiring atheist or agnostic to get them to consider a wider world.
I especially like the parts about revelations in consciousness science being released from Russian scientists who have been studying the subject for decades behind the iron curtain and can only recently talk about their findings publicly.
What did they find? The answer to that may be the very answer to living a purposeful life itself. In a nutshell, watch the video below.
This new video is David’s philosophy from his own point of view shown in a very matter of fact way that takes what could be hours and hours of information and condensing it into 20 minutes that could wake even the walking dead.